Saint Elias ruined chapel

The chapel of Saint Elias is located approximately 150 m northwest of the ancient sanctuary, on the hill at the bottom of which the latter is placed. The plan of the church is largely distorted due to several collapses and partial reconstructions as well as the presence of several century-old oak trees which have grown within its walls. It takes a more or less rectangular shape with a total width varying between 7 and 7.50 m and a length of approximately 14.50 m. The internal space of the nave is 9 m long and 5 m wide. It is accessible from door opened in its western facade. This facade, preserved to a maximum height of 3 m, is made up, in its lower courses, of relatively large blocks, while its upper courses, built with small blocks, seem to be a later reconstruction. Another door which appears to have been opened in its northern facade is currently blocked. On the eastern side, the ground level is approximately 1 m higher than that of the nave. Thus, from the apse, only certain blocks are still visible, the arrangement of which outlines part of its interior boundary. Its diameter could be estimated at 4 m and its depth at 2 m. The south-eastern corner of the apse wall, delimiting the apse on this side, and formed from a mass of large blocks roughly squared, collapsed during a storm in March 2017.


  • Route : Patriarchal Circuit
  • Village : Mghayreh
Nearest Places: All These Places are Nearby This Site

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